Graue Substanz - Diplomacy Online

Welcome to our international pages!

Welcome international visitors! You probably found us because you're looking for Diplomacy variants, perhaps in particular for some Realpolitik variant files, our preferred Diplomacy adjudicator. So have a look at our variant pages.
Or do you want to review the first international Maharajiad tournament, which was held at
If you're just looking for an pbem-game, we regret that we don't offer english language games regularly though that may change at some point in the future.

We hope you enjoy the stay at our pages and and that you find some interesting variants.


Exclusive Diplomacy variant files...

Have a look on our comprehensive set of Diplomacy variants: you'll find some gS-selfmade variants, a couple of exclusive variant files we adapted for Realpolitik, and many more... Try our geographical classification or simply the A to Z.



African Riots

Just two of our selfmade variants...



www.graue-substanz.netIf you encounter problems with links and/or have questions regarding a variant please write an e-mail to



Graue-Substanz - Diplomacy Online! © 01.2001