
Here you find a lot of exclusive variants for our favoured Diplomacy justifier Realpolitik created by Jim van Verth (For further information please visit


GS recommends: from Ancient Med to Youngstown - an alphabetical overview

You'll not only find some selfmade variants, created by gS team members, but also lots of other interesting variants we found via the internet. Some of them had to be adapted for Realpolitik first (exclusive Realpolitik files here!) while other variants needed a redesign (just our point of view;-)) or needed some rule changes. Additionally some existing variants had minor or major errors built in which were corrected by us.

Here's the legend:





styling, corrections





The variant 1600 is a map variant and, as the name suggests, adapts the political scenario of Europe during the 17th century. Although there are no special rules for the variant a look at it should be interesting and rewarding...

In Standard seven nations are standing on the edge of World War I. Taking place several years later, 8-player-map 1939.Blitzkrieg takes us to the beginning of the second global conflict. Comparing to Standard, several supply centers and countries are added all over the map, especially in North Africa and Eastern Europe.


The variant Thirty Years' War (30jähriger Krieg) takes place during the wars of religious denomination (17th century). It has some neat special features like, navigable rivers, giving movement advanteages under certain circumstances, rivaling denominations (Protestants and Catholics), that (have to) change their denomination. Armies and fleets can be converted into each other at your leisure while Adjustments happen only every second year. Sounds good? Then have a look at it......

Selfmade: How to become ruler of Africa is the theme of this variant featuring warfare for 9 diplomats trying to control the black continent - it's called African Riots. To the machetes....
Special features include navigable rivers and aberration builds (building is allowed in all owned scs as long as one owns at least one home sc.)

Diplomacy during the times of the ancient Romans, Greeks, Carthaginians, Persians and Egyptians is a real challenge. Ancient Med is a very balanced variant for five diplomats.


Arab, as the name suggests, plays on the Arabian peninsula. A very exciting variant demanding lots of diplomatical talent.

Asia IV is another map variant of Standard, which has been adapted by gS for Realpolitik. Those interested in displaying their talent on a new map with normal rules should have a second look...


Selfmade: The first and synthetical variant on gS is named Battleisle. And the name already presents some kind of foreboding. Find out if it is really that bad for yourself...


Attention colonial powers! The variant Colonial, starting 1870, is a showdown between the colonial powers England, France and the Netherlands and the Asian powers Russia, China, Japan and Turkey. See yourself...

Selfmade: DR 1871 (DR = Deutsches Reich = German Empire) offers some very interesting features. Fleets have been replaced by the cavalry, that can move two instead of one field. Have a look at it...

After many modifications und cosmetical changes Fall of the American Empire finally made it to gS, too. The American continent has been in total anarchy but finally 5 new republics emerged from the chaos on former US soil that now struggle for power with other powers in the North and South. Who will win the war for power?


Federation lets you rewrite Australian history. In contrast to history, where the colonies founded the Australian federation in peace, this time war is on the horizon while eight players struggle for power in Australia. Have a look at the Realpolitik files....

Maharajah: Set in the Indian subcontinent David E. Cohen has created a very challenging variant. While the variant still feels like Standard, there are some interesting new rules like navigable rivers, that allow for convoys und conquest of new home scs.


Mandate of Heaven a variant full of new, interesting rules. It features normal, nomadic and neutral powers. While the nomads have to fight hard getting the status of a normal power, neutrals are controlled by all players until their activation. After activation former neutrals have to be played by a new player. A complex but interesting variant...


Selfmade: Middle American Chaos (MAC) is Diplomacy somewhere between caribbian flair and cuba crisis. This variant not only offers a new map but powers are able to build their first units themselves...

Whoever knows that Isengard is not the capitol of Norway, will be thrilled to play the variant Middle Earth. Elbs, Dwarfs, the mighty evildoers from Mordor and other well known mythological creatures are struggling for dominance in Tolkiens fabulous world. And it’s 100% Gollum free, we promise.

Modern virtually is Standard with a modernized map featuring European countries and borders of 1994. More countries and less distance between them makes diploming on this map much harder than in Standard. See yourself....


The above mentioned variant Modern with one change: the Aberration build mod. Players now are allowed to build in all free and owned scs as long as they own at least one one home sc resulting in a more balanced and tense game.

Modern III is a revision of the original modern, aiming at a better balance. Changes include new provinces and less starting units. Not that fond of Modern? Try this one (Realpolitik files by gS)...


Selfmade: Oceania is the newest gS variant offering lots of new features to those willing to test it. The most interesting new feature probably is the possibility to directly hop between islands with an army (no fleets needed). Before playing this variant better take a look at the info text.

Renaissance is basically a modification of Standard. It’s starting in 1454 and due to different nations and starting positions this variant supports fast and intense conflicts right from the start. And finally, you’re allowed to occupy Switzerland…


Sengoku is set in Japan during the 16th century. Apart from the Chaos build mode (building is allowed in every owned center) Sengoku features neutral units. Drawing is frowned upon in this variant as there can only be one Shogun...

South America 5.3 offers a fast and balanced game on the south american continent for five players. Try yourself here....


South American Supremacy is set in, you guessed it, South America. :-) The most interesting rule features are the not so passable Andes (only a few passes allow crossing the Andes) and the navigable rivers. On balance a very interesting map, that can be viewed here....

As reinforcements do need some time to arrive in vaster empires, we have decided to modify the original map of South American Supremacy and allow aberrational builds (build in any owned sc as long as yo own at least one home sc).


South East Asia isn't exactly a sc rich map. The seven powers have to struggle for scs from the very beginning as there are only 11 neutral scs. Diploming and tactics at their best are needed and in case that doesn't help there's always the next ally....

Standard One on One uses the same map as Standard but features only two players. No diplomacy isn't much of an asset int this variant of course. If you are interested in showing your tactical and strategical skills this variant is for you.


To boldy go where no one has gone before...Yes indeed, a Star Trek adaption for Realpolitik does exist. Finally you can play Diplomacy with yor favorite Star Trek civilisation (Federation, Borg, Cardassians, Romulans, Ferenghi or Dominion). Each of these civilisations has its own advantages and special abilities. Interesting and vry complex, but better tgo see it yourself...

Versailles Advanced is a very special challenge, because apart from the normal scs every power owns from the start, every player gets control over a anonymously played satellite country. Definitly not for the faint of heart!


And yet another timeframe for a dip variant. Viking is set during the time of the viking raids in Europe. Gameplay is at least as rough as those times must have been if not worse. Enjoy it here....

Granted this map isn't exactly a feast for your eyes, but don't let that distract yourself from the fact that Youngstown is a very interesting variant, that even allows travelling around the globe with its offboard boxes.

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